PodcastersKit 4 - 2022 edition
From October 3rd to October 8th 2022, you can get access to over 30 courses designed to take you from podcast idea to fully published and thriving podcast show. Yes, one of my products are included. All for $47!
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Let's Begin With a Story
It’s early September 2022. I’m noodling around on the internet making connections and looking at how I can help people with all that I do with my little editing team within AudioFy.
I virtually meet Karen Brown via LinkedIn on recommendation from another entrepreneurial friend who thinks we’re a good fit (She wasn’t wrong!). Fast forward to being invited to an online networking event that’s a bit different. Everyone looks for ways to help everyone else via their list of contacts. The ultimate pass it forward paradigm. I love it.
From that, Karen introduces me to the Podcast maven that is Dan. We virtually meet and instantly hit it off as we’re both passionate about audio and discuss various intricacies of the podcast space. He’s also interested in my drive and passion for supporting and championing grassroots audiobook production that still yields highly polished business audiobooks narrated by the book’s author: a MUST for those seeking to be seen as experts and Key Persons of Influence.
With all of that at play, Dan invites me to contribute to his annual Podcaster’s Kit, which is what this whole article is about!
Currently (today is October 5th) there are 36 courses available for you to download and keep forever. So if you’re still not quite ready to launch your podcast, or feel that there are holes in your plans – there’s absolutely ZERO doubt in my mind that this fully comprehensive kit has you covered.
Am I biased?
100% yes as the DIY version of the Find Your Online Voice course is within that bundle (at No. 10) and looking at the rest of the courses, they all cover aspects of Podcasting that AudioFy doesn’t broaden into, thus spreading our skills thinly. I’ve been a fan of the saying, “an inch wide and a mile deep”. AudioFy focuses on purely simplifying the Tech (Tech-nical and Tech-nique) so our clients can flourish in their Talent.
Marketing is something we also technically support by creating the content from your podcast, audiobooks and other audio/video resources but so far as marketing strategy, we tend to work together with existing experts with proven track records that fit your overall budget.
SO! With that in mind, for $47 you’re getting access to variations of marketing techniques, good podcast etiquette, all the technical show-and-tell so you can literally launch your podcast in an afternoon.
And if you’re feeling Mic-shy or not quite sure what your Vocal Personality is – FYOV has you covered.
Go and have a look at my affiliate link (if you buy, yes I get a little financial knockback which will go into keeping this website going) and even if it isn’t for you NOW, get on it before the doors close for another year! Better yet, share this link with a friend, VA or colleague who’s also on the fence about finally producing their podcast: